Friday, May 27, 2016

5-28-16: Final Spring 2016 Migration Report

Hello birding friends,

Tonight, Illinois is experiencing very little migration due to the weather systems that are moving across the state. This doesn't; however, mean that the birding will be "bad" tomorrow - it just means there will be little turnover which actually might be a good thing in that it means it is keeping those migrants around at least one night longer. ;-)

This will be the final migration report of spring 2016 - I sincerely hope they have proven to be helpful, concise, and informative this season and I will be writing them again in the fall.

Finally, I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows migration is not over yet! Many birds (flycatchers, "ground warblers," etc) migrate through well into June, so definitely keep seeking out migrant birds even though I won't be writing these reports until the fall. I usually would want to write until the last night in May; however, I will be out of internet range for most of this weekend because I will be in Michigan (attending a wedding, and in search of Piping Plover & Kirtland's Warbler!).

Happy migration everyone, hope you've all enjoyed the beautiful spectacle of spring migration, surely one of the most wonderful things nature has to offer!

Feel free to email anytime (I will still be posting trip reports on IBET like always), and you can find my birding blog here:

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Tonight, with overall favorable winds across the state, a moderate flight of migrants is flying over the entire state tonight This means that, once again, it would be prudent to get out to your local hotspot tomorrow (Thursday), wherever you are located in the state, to look for late-end-of-the-spectrum migrants.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Hello birding friends,

With southerly winds again, the entirety of Illinois is experiencing moderate migration over our skies tonight, so tomorrow (Wednesday) would not be a bad day to get out and look for late-migration species.

Loving this warmer weather!

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Monday, May 23, 2016


Hello birding friends,

With the southerly winds tonight, there is uniformly moderately-heavy migration over the entirety of the state, so wherever you may be, tomorrow would be a good day to get out to search for some of the migrants that come through on the later end of the spectrum.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Tonight, Illinois is experiencing moderate levels of migration in the northern two-thirds of the state to moderate and somewhat heavy densities of migrating birds over the southern third of the state. Tomorrow (Monday) should be a good morning to get out if you can! Now that it is approaching the final stages of spring migration, let's enjoy these migrant birds while we still can.

Looking ahead, I will be posting through this week, and Friday night (May 27) will be the final migration report of this spring - although that certainly doesn't mean that spring migration ends Friday; it should last until about mid-June with some species.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Moderate migration tonight with moderately heavy levels in the far southern tip and also the northeastern part of the state might be a good morning tomorrow (Sunday) to check Lake Michigan locations because of the westerly component to the winds, pushing birds toward the lakefront.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Moderate to heavy migration statewide tonight due to only very light winds across the state. It should be a good day to get out anywhere, but especially in the southern third of the state where rain later in the night could ground any flyover migrants, meaning there is possibly a chance for fallout conditions in that area.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Moderate migration statewide tonight so I would suggest getting out tomorrow (Thursday) morning because there is a good chance for turnover in many areas.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Today, the northern three-quarters of the state are experiencing moderately heavy to heavy levels of avian movement with the first noteworthy southerly winds in a few days. The southern quarter of the state appears to be quieter tonight. It would be a good idea to check lakefront locations tomorrow (I'll be at Montrose!), because the winds in northeast Illinois are out of the south to the southwest tonight, meaning that in addition to a tailwind, the birds will also be "funnelled" along the Lake Michigan shoreline by the westerly component to the winds because the birds don't want to fly over the lake.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County) 

Friday, May 13, 2016


Hello birding friends,

The southern quarter of Illinois should see some interesting conditions tonight because moderate - heavy migration levels are being interrupted by the rain system that is currently moving through the state tonight. Other areas should not see much movement at all tonight with northwesterly winds following behind the rain system.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Hello birding friends,

I encourage birders at the far southern tip of the state to get out tomorrow (Thursday) morning because moderately high levels of birds are flying into the state from the south; however, they are being forced to make landfall due to the storms that are prevalent in most of the state tonight.

For most of Illinois, storms will limit bird migration tonight; however, there is a chance for rather patchy avian movement once the storms clear out of some areas. Favorable southerly winds are in effect tonight, so it wouldn't hurt to get out tomorrow to check for new arrivals and influxes.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Tonight, the entire state is experiencing HEAVY to EXTREMELY HEAVY densities of birds migrating over our skies! Get out tomorrow (Wednesday, May 11) wherever you are! This is the heaviest migration levels I have seen all spring, and possibly the heaviest level I have ever seen for the far southern tip of the state. DEFINITELY get out tomorrow, there should be a MASSIVE turnover!

Good birding!
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Hello birding friends,

For the northern third of the state, tonight there are moderate to heavy concentrations of birds migrating over our skies, meaning there should be many, many birds around the northern third of the state tomorrow (Monday) and I STRONGLY encourage you to get out if you can.

The central and southern part of Illinois is experiencing little migration tonight due to the rain system; however, the far southern tip of Illinois, which is avoiding the rain for the most part, should see evidence of high levels of migration tomorrow morning.

Happy Mother's Day!
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Friday, May 6, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Tonight, the entire state of Illinois is experiencing moderately heavy levels of bird migration. With winds out of the west to the west-southwest, it would certainly be a great idea to bird lakefront migrant traps such as Montrose tomorrow morning (Saturday, May 7). Also, there is a possibility for fallout in the northernmost fifth of the state where thundershowers will be intercepting bird migration. So definitely get out tomorrow morning, especially if you are in the northern part of the state! Any day now, the "floodgate" could open - and there is a good possibility that for many parts of the state, tomorrow (Saturday) morning will be it!

Good birding!
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Tonight, the northern half and southwestern portions of Illinois are experiencing moderate to heavy concentrations of migrating birds. With the light southwesterly winds acting as tailwinds and funneling birds along the lakeshore tonight, I STRONGLY recommend visiting lakefront sites such as Montrose Point tomorrow (Friday, May 6) morning. Any hotspot within the areas of the state mentioned above would certainly be worth checking; however, and I will definitely be keeping my eyes peeled on the way to and from school!

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Today, the southern two-thirds of Illinois should be experiencing moderate to heavy migration levels due to southwesterly winds (while the northern third's migration levels should be limited due to rain showers). So tomorrow (Wednesday, May 4), expect moderate levels of turnover in the southern two-thirds of the state, increasing farther southward.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Monday, May 2, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Although winds are from the northwest tonight pretty much across the state, they are much lighter tonight which means that I expect there should be moderate migration statewide. It might be smart to check Lake Michigan lakefront sights such as Montrose tomorrow due to the slight westerly component to the wind which will funnel birds slightly to the shoreline because they don't want to fly out over the lake.

Good birding! So happy it's finally May!

Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Saturday, April 30, 2016

5-1-16: Southern IL (Avian) Fallout Possible!

Hello birding friends,

The southern quarter of the state is experiencing very strong levels of avian migration tonight, and with the line of storms coming in from the west, there is a chance this line of storms could cause moderate fallout conditions in the southern quarter of the state tomorrow morning! Communities that fall under this "watch" include but are not limited to Centralia, Mount Vernon, Fairfield, Pinckneyville, Carbondale, Marion, Carmi, and points southward. Trail of Tears State Forest, Crab Orchard NWR, areas of Shawnee National Forest, and other hotspots in the southern quarter of the state would be worth visiting tomorrow morning.

The rest of the state is experiencing negligible levels of avian migration tonight. Planning ahead - for the northern part of the state, winds should shift to being favorable, southwesterly, starting Tuesday night.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Tomorrow the only part of the state that should see evidence of turnover should be the southern third of the state, and moderate levels at that.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Moderate-to-heavy concentrations of birds migrating over all of Illinois tonight! The southern half of the state is experiencing HEAVY to locally EXTREME densities of bird migration while the northern half of the state is more along the MODERATE to locally HEAVY part of the spectrum. Wherever you are tomorrow, try to get out birding because there should be an evident turnover! There is a good (I'd say 50%) chance that the first real wave of warblers will hit northern Illinois tomorrow morning.

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Hello birding friends,

As has been the trend lately, tonight the southern half of Illinois is experiencing moderate to possibly locally heavy concentrations of migrants. Northern Illinois is also experiencing movement tonight, but just more on the light to moderate end of the spectrum, with slightly higher densities toward the northeast more so than the northwest. So there should be some turnover statewide tomorrow, but again, more so in southern Illinois!

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Hello birding friends,

The southern half of the state should be experiencing moderate to moderately heavy densities of migrants flying over tonight, while to northern half should experience light to locally moderate densities of migrants. So tomorrow would also be a good morning to get out and hopefully find some new birds, especially if you live in the southern part of the state!

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Cook County)

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Light to moderate migration statewide tonight which means there should be some turnover tomorrow morning but not the biggest turnover. Enjoy the beautiful weather!

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Friday, April 15, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Tonight the southern quarter of the state is experiencing pretty heavy levels of migration while the northern three-quarters should see the evidence of light to moderate movement by tomorrow morning. So it would be worth getting out anywhere in the state tomorrow, but especially if you live in the southern quarter!

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Another night of moderate to locally heavy migration over our skies, with fairly uniform densities of birds throughout the state. So get out tomorrow if you can, there could be some new arrivals!

Good birding,
Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Tonight, I am seeing from the radar that Illinois is experiencing the largest movement of avian migrants over our skies thus far in the season, all over the state in moderate to even possibly locally heavy concentrations. This means GO BIRDING tomorrow, and pretty much anywhere in the state would be fair game for finding new arrivals!

Enjoy spring, and let's bring on some warmer temperatures and new birds!

Henry Griffin (Oak Park, Cook County)

Saturday, April 9, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Tonight the southern half of Illinois should see light to moderate levels of migration, so be on the lookout tomorrow if you are in that part of the state. The northern half should be quieter due to overcast conditions and precipitation.

Good birding,
Henry (Oak Park, Cook County)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Hello birding friends,

Illinois - anywhere/anytime it isn't raining tomorrow, look for new arrivals because the radar is picking up one of the largest avian movements (still in the moderate spectrum overall, though) I have seen so far this season!

Good birding,
Henry (Oak Park, Cook County)

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Hello birding friends,

The state should experience light to moderate migration (more so in the southern two-thirds) tonight as favorable winds and weather conditions over that area for the first time in a few days may cause a wave of migrants tonight. The northern third should be quieter due to rainy weather, but may receive some light movement toward the end of the night.

Good birding,
Henry (Oak Park, Cook County)

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3-30-16 Mini Migration Report

Hello birding friends,

Radar is picking up a light to moderate concentration of migrants over our skies today, so expect to see some new arrivals tomorrow including waterfowl, loons, some shorebirds, kinglets, the first few warblers, and many other birds.

Good birding!

Henry (Oak Park, Cook County)

Saturday, March 26, 2016

3-27-16 Easter Mini Migration Report

Hello birding friends,

For those planning on getting out on Easter tomorrow, scan for possibly some new arrivals as the radar is picking up light to moderate amounts of migration tonight. The southern two-thirds of the state should see evidence of the most avian movement tonight.

Good birding,
Henry (Oak Park, Cook County)

Monday, March 21, 2016

3-22-16 Mini Migration Report

Hello birding friends,

Look for new arrivals tomorrow as south-to-southwesterly winds over the state tonight are picking up moderate movements on the radar, which could increase in intensity as the night goes on. Get out and enjoy the warmer weather tomorrow!


Monday, March 14, 2016

3-14-16 Mini Migration Report

Hello birding friends,

Good chance for movements of ducks, waterfowl, and raptors along the Lake Michigan lakefront tomorrow due to easterly to southeasterly winds combined with warmer temperatures. Specifically between 9am and 4pm should be best, that is after the fog hopefully clears out and the predicted thunderstorms roll in.

Henry Griffin

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Spring 2016 Introduction

Hello birding friends,

As you have probably noticed, many birds are singing, the first migrants are appearing in the state, and other signs of spring are popping up all around, so I thought it would be an opportune time to post about this spring's migration reports - especially with the warm weather forecast for this week!

This semester is turning out to be my busiest semester ever, by far, so there will be some changes to Illinois migration least for this season. I know that my musical studies and school take priority in my life, so there will be a reduction in the number of migration report posts this spring.

Starting with tonight, I will monitor the national composite radar and wind forecasts, and I will not post UNLESS I see a possible moderately large to large movement of migrants anywhere over Illinois. This means that I will not be making daily posts this spring (the strains of already balancing homework and practicing are very intense this semester); however, I will post if I see a possibility for a large movement of birds.

This also means that my posts will be less scientific and analytical at least for this spring, just so that I can get right to the point and so that it takes less time for me.

Forecast for tonight: Only light or moderate movement should be expected tonight because of easterly winds found over the area.

Here are some great resources to consult and help you forecast migration this spring. Other links can be found on the right sidebar.

National composite radar - green or blue "blobs" (i.e. not weather systems) indicate bird movements (

Current wind map - winds from the south in the spring mean greater chances for migrating birds (note that other factors, such as amount of cloud cover, play into this as well) (,40.03,2455)

BirdCast migration forecast updated weekly (

Woodcreeper - Migration FAQ (


Thank you for your understanding in that I have a very busy schedule and have to prioritize this spring.

Feel free to follow me on my regular birding blog, Birding Around the World
You can also contact me with any questions via email at: trumpetswan (at)

And as you may know, I lead free-of-charge Oak Park Bird Walks every spring and fall! For more information, visit the bird walk website:

I do not know when I will make my second migration report because it all depends on the level of migrants, so until then, good birding!

Henry Griffin
trumpetswan (at)