Sunday, May 5, 2013

5/2 IL Migration Report

Today, while we did witness the passing of unfavorable northerly winds into IL (which still prevail), migrants were still all over the place. As expected with low migration, a lot of the highlights from yesterday remain the same, so BALTIMORE ORIOLES, ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAKS, GRAY CATBIRDS, WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW, SWAINSON'S THRUSH, PALM WARBLER, and others were still staples on IL birders' lists. Three notable species were reported with greater frequency today: LEAST FLYCATCHER, PROTHONOTARY WARBLER, and GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER. Interesting, eh? At this point, we are beginning to see the first traces of the early to mid-May phase of spring migration, so soon new species will be popping up in my giant list,

Anyway, tonight we see the continuation of unfavorable northerly winds and storm activity from today.
This is reflected by the very light migration in most of IL, although Southern/Southeastern IL is still experiencing moderate migration
due to the fact that it is still in the southerly winds ahead of the incoming cold front. Lucky you! Even luckier, when storms move through, fallout will likely occur, and if this happens close enough to dawn, the gettin' could be very good indeed. Winds tomorrow look to be shifting mostly to southeasterly in the southeast of the state, and easterly in the rest of the state, so once again there will be a complicated gradient of winds around IL,
and with it, a complicated gradient of migration. It will be interesting to see what migration is like tomorrow night. It will likely be concentrated in Southern IL, but this remains to be seen.

To see my giant list of birds, see yesterday's report: Even though not much migration is happening around IL tonight, don't hesitate to get out there tomorrow if you can! Great birds are still all over the place just waiting to be discovered, and many species passing through now will be gone before you know it.

Good stuff. Have a great night, everyone!

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