Friday, November 1, 2013

11/1 IL Migration Report

Hey everybody, and a belated Happy Halloween,

In the wake of yesterday's very slight improvement of wind conditions for migration, much of the Prairie State is experiencing light, patchy precipitation. This means that, although winds may west/northwesterly in much of the state right now, the eastern half is essentially left out of the action right now--at least until the rain clears out. A preview of what's to come for those in the eastern part of the state can be seen in the western and far southern part of the state: moderate to heavy migration. So regardless of where you are, tomorrow morning may be fun for birders around the state. Keep your eyes on water bodies and open areas like beaches, farm fields, and prairies. Waterfowl, loons, grebes, as well as Snow Buntings, Lapland Longspurs, American Pipits, and American Tree Sparrows will all likely be influxing tomorrow. Predict what you'll find here. Cool.

Looking ahead a bit, through the passage of a confusing (set of) fronts tomorrow, tomorrow night will show
The wind direction split predicted for tomorrow night.
another split between eastern and western halves of the state. Unfavorable southwesterly winds will be over the western half, an favorable northwesterly winds will be over the eastern half. This winds, however, are forecast to be super weak, so migrants may be moving nonetheless.

Alrighty folks. Have a great night, and good luck tomorrow!

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