Monday, October 28, 2013

10/28 IL Migration Report

Tonight's all-important Surface Analysis
Hey folks!

So tonight, predictions about movements north of the cold front came true, with light to moderate migration over your head depending on where you are. However, there's also a pleasant surprise. Whereas winds were expected to be unfavorable south of today's cold front--now creeping south halfway through IL--winds are actually too weak to deter migration. So there's actually more migration occurring south of the cold front in Southern Illinois then there is north of the front! Fancy that.

Tonight's radar
So tomorrow morning then, expect more arrivals and influxes of more wintery species like American Tree Sparrows, Snow Buntings, Horned Larks, Lapland Longspurs, diving ducks, grebes, Common Loons, and of course, more gull species. Time to get those old gears turning again!

In the meantime, today's cold front will continue southward until it hits and stalls against a warm front just
The above mentioned warm front, after beating our current
cold front, forecast for 2 days from now.
south of the Prairie State. By tomorrow, the warm front from the south will actually win the standoff, and will make its way northward into our state, driven by low pressure. It will again meet and then beat out another cold front, and will probably make its way north of IL by Thursday. In its wake, we will be experiencing southerly winds (and stronger ones at that) and precipitation. So from here at least until the end of Wednesday, don't expect to many considerable movements.

Cool. Good luck and Bon Voyage!

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